Viktor Reichmann

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Viktor Reichmann (born January 8, 1881 in Dürrmenz , † 1956 ) was a German medic.


Reichmann studied medicine at the universities of Tübingen , Erlangen , Berlin and Jena , where he received his doctorate in 1905. In Tübingen Reichmann became a member of the Corps Borussia Tübingen in 1899 . He went first to the pathological-anatomical institute of the city hospital in Dresden-Friedrichstadt, where Georg Schmorl worked. In 1907 he returned to the Medical University Clinic in Jena. There he completed his habilitation in internal medicine in 1911 and was appointed associate professor in 1916.

In 1920 he came to the Bergmannsheil in Bochum as head of the internal department . There, research on pneumoconiosis (dust lung) in coal miners was the focus of his scientific work. His work on diagnosis and assessment of silicosis , published in 1931, paved the way for modern silicosis research .



  • I. Fischer (Ed.): Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of the last fifty years. - Berlin [et al.]: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1932-1933