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The Victorians are a community founded in 1108 by theologians and canons of the regulated canons of Saint-Victor in Paris . She accepted the rule of Augustine under her first abbot Gilduin (1135–55) and added this to her own consuetudines (→ Augustinian Canons of St. Victor ).

The Victorians sought a synthesis of mysticism and scholasticism . They saw the goal of life and knowledge in the contemplative, mystical vision of God and emphasized the symbolism in the world.

Its most important representatives were Hugo von St. Viktor , Richard von St. Viktor , Adam von St. Viktor , Thomas Gallus and Andreas von Wigmore. Petrus Lombardus spent part of his studies in Saint-Victor on the recommendation of Bernhard von Clairvaux . The late medieval mysticism, the Franciscans and church building in Italy were influenced by the way of thinking of the Victorians .

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