Vincent Calvez

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Vincent Calvez (* 1981 in Saint-Malo ) is a French mathematician who deals with mathematical modeling in biology.

Calvez studied mathematics and biology at the École normal supérieure in Paris and at the University of Paris VI with a diploma in 2004 and an agrégation in mathematics in 2005 and a doctorate with Benoit Perthame in 2007 (Mathematical models and analysis for collective motions in cells). In 2015, he completed his habilitation at the École normal supérieure de Lyon (quantitative analysis of structured population models in biology: chemotaxis, invasion fronts, polymerisation, cell polarization).

He has been researching at the UMPA of the CNRS of the École normal supérieure de Lyon since 2008 , where he is a member of the NUMED project headed by Emmanuel Grenier . Since 2014 he has also been at the École normal supérieure in Paris.

Calvez examined, among other things, movement of cells, chemotaxis of bacteria and associated wave phenomena, modeling of arteriosclerosis and dynamics of prions , polarization of cells during division, tumor growth, population dynamics.

He was visiting scholar at Oxford and at CRM in Barcelona.

In 2016 he received the EMS Prize and in 2014 the bronze medal of the CNRS. In 2015 he received an ERC Starting Grant for the project Mesoscopic models of propagation in biology .

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