Benoit Perthame

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Benoit Perthame (2006)

Benoit Perthame (born June 23, 1959 in France ) is a French mathematician who deals with nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications in biology. He is a professor at the University of Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie) and at the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory .

Perthame studied at the École normal supérieure (ENS) and was an assistant there from 1983. He received his habilitation from Pierre-Louis Lions in 1987 (Thèse d´Etat). The dissertation topic was nonlinear partial differential equations in optimal control theory, hydrodynamics and kinetic theory. In 1988 he became a professor at the University of Orléans and since 1993 he has been a professor at the University of Paris VI and at the Institut Universitaire de France. From 1997 to 2007 he was seconded to the ENS. Since 1989 he has been a scientific advisor to the Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA) and has headed the BANG group there since 1998 (Analyze numérique de modèles non linéaires pour la Biologie et la Géophysique).

Among other things, he deals with the mathematical modeling of chemotaxis and movement and self-organization of cells and bacterial colonies, neural networks, tumor growth and chemotherapy, kidney flows, population growth and evolution.

He was invited speaker at the International Mathematicians Congress 1994 in Zurich ( Kinetic Equations and Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws ) and he was selected as plenary speaker for the ICM 2014 in Seoul ( Some mathematical aspects of tumor growth and therapy ).

In 1989/90 he received the Prix Peccot at the Collège de France , in 1994 the silver medal of the CNRS and in 1992 the Blaise Pascal Prize of the Academie des Sciences. From 1994 to 1999 he was a junior member and since 2007 a senior member at the Institut Universitaire de France . In 2013 he was awarded the Blaise Pascal Medal . In 2016 he was elected a member of the Academia Europaea , in 2017 of the Académie des sciences .

Vincent Calvez is one of his PhD students .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Second part of the old French doctoral system
  2. Benoit Perthame in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. BANG