Viral seeding

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Viral seeding (also known as social seeding ) is a strategy in viral marketing in which a critical mass ( tipping point ) is to be achieved quickly and inexpensively through the targeted distribution of content on the Internet , from which the users themselves can go “viral” by sharing and recommending “Contribute to the dissemination of the content. This content can be in different formats such as videos, images, graphics, podcasts and texts. Typically, the content is not superficially promotional, but offers useful information, further knowledge or entertainment. This is to ensure that the users take on the effort of sharing and thus act as a multiplier .

If the content is “viral”, such a campaign can contribute to the distribution of the content quickly and inexpensively. However, if the content is not entertaining or informative enough, there will be no viral distribution even with broad seeding. A quick test here is the question of whether you would forward or recommend the content to your closest friends in your private sphere.

Word origin

Seeding comes from the English "to seed" and means to sow . What is meant here is the delivery of the content to websites and networks suitable for the respective topic and target group , which are intended to serve as the starting point for viral distribution.

Sharing is the key

Sharing can take place via forwarding in e-mail programs, postings in social networks, posts in blogs, forums and communities as well as via tell-a-friend functions on websites.

Sharing content is a central function in social networks. Users have the option of posting content on their profile and fan pages that friends and other users can comment on. This content can also contain links to other Internet sites such as articles in online editions of daily newspapers . By publishing content, the user of a social network shares it with other users who have access to its pages. If a shared content meets the consent of a visitor, he can document this by clicking on a corresponding link. In the largest social network Facebook , for example, this is called “Like”. If a reader finds the content useful and would like to share this content with visitors to his own profile page or fan page, he clicks on a share link or button and can transfer the content to his own pages with individual headlines, teasers and text content prepare or adapt.

Target group orientation

Typologically, “sharing” is the digital equivalent of recommendation marketing or word of mouth . Compared to the analog world, recommendations in the social networks can achieve a much larger reach in a relatively short time. Social seeding builds on the motivation of social media users to distribute interesting content on their own initiative. This motivation is all the more pronounced, the more the content is based on the characteristics and interests of the user. Social seeding is therefore a targeted “seeding” of content and campaigns that target users based on age, gender, interest or place of residence. The probability that content sown in this way will fall on fertile ground, i.e. that it will reach many users who are motivated to share in a short time, is much higher than with share baits , which are more likely to be based on the principle of chance instead of focusing on specific user groups. Due to their target group orientation, social seeding campaigns have a lot of viral potential that can be optimally developed in social media.

Viral seeding as an advertising strategy

Direct advertising for brands and products is uncommon on social networks. For this reason, the content of social seeding campaigns never focuses on the company that manufactures or sells the products. Rather, the content consists of useful information in the form of guides, interesting videos, voucher campaigns, competitions and other hands-on activities.


Individual evidence

  1. What are link baits and share baits? ( Memento from January 8, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), shareMAX, January 2, 2014