Virtual cartuning

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Virtual cartuning or virtual autotuning describes the editing of a car photo using professional image editing programs . Originally the cars shown were provided with tuning add- on parts that were copied from other pictures. The term virtual cartuning comes from English, since the first communities were formed in the English-speaking area of ​​the Internet.

The finished pictures are usually referred to as fake , fakecar or chop ( English to chop , 'chop up'). Other common terms for virtual cartuning such as chopping or faking are derived from these terms.

Programs / techniques


Professional image processing programs are predominantly used today. Since this is a pure image processing, no 3D programs are used. Most of the active members use Adobe Photoshop . The reason for this is that almost all instructions ( tutorials ) for Virtual Cartuning have been written for this program , making getting started much easier. The programs Corel Paint Shop Pro and the free program GIMP are also used occasionally. In principle, all image processing programs are suitable, especially those that allow layer management.


There are two fundamentally different techniques as in all areas of image processing. On the one hand there is copy & paste and on the other hand so-called brushing.

With the copy & paste process, the desired parts of photos of real cars that have already been tuned are copied and adjusted. This creates a virtual car from several real cars. Relatively little experience is required to use this technology, so it is often used by beginners and is generally recommended for beginners.

Under Brushing means the painting completely new parts by means of the software used. This is generally seen as the supreme discipline, as it requires a particularly high level of imagination and spatial thinking. In addition, a certain amount of experience in image processing and a sound knowledge of light reflections and shadows are required. In the meantime, this technology has developed to such an extent that, in addition to new parts, complete cars are also created with the graphics processing software.