Vital Maria Conçalves de Oliveira

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Episcopal coat of arms Dom Vitals

Vital Maria Gonçalves de Oliveira OFMCap (born November 27, 1844 in Itambé , Pernambuco , Brazil , † July 4, 1878 in Paris ) was a religious priest and bishop of Olinda in Brazil. He was born as Antonio Conçalves de Oliveira , he became known under his religious name Vital, combined with the salutation Dom for a religious priest.


He was born the first of six children to Capitano Antonio Conçalves de Oliveira and Antonia de Albuquerque. At the age of 23 he was ordained a priest on August 2, 1868 , and at the age of 26, appointed Bishop of Olinda by Emperor Pedro II of Brazil on May 21, 1871 . After confirming that Pope Pius IX. issued on 22 December of the same year, he received on March 17, 1872 the Bishop of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro , Pedro Maria de Lacerda , the episcopal ordination .

In October 1875 Dom de Oliveira traveled to Rome and was received by the Pope, but his poor health did not allow him to return to Brazil. He died in Paris on July 4th, 1878 at the age of 33. His grave is in the Basilica of Our Lady of Penha in Recife, which is looked after by Capuchins . Dom Vital went down in Brazilian history as a witness and defender of the rights of the Catholic Church. The Centro Dom Vital , founded in 1922, was named after him.


During the clashes between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church in Brazil , which began in 1873, some of Dom Vitals' ministers were arrested and kidnapped. Dom Vital protested violently and turned to Pope Pius IX. In his encyclical Exortae in ista of April 20, 1874, the Pope discussed Freemasonry in Brazil and described Dom Vital as a fighter for justice and freedom of the Catholic Church. In 1875 de Oliveira was arrested and taken to Recife prison, he took part in the court hearing in full episcopal regalia . On September 17, 1875, the emperor issued an amnesty , as a result of which Dom Vital and other prisoners were released.


  • A Maçonaria e os Jesuitas: Instrucção Pastoral do Bispo de Olinda aos Seus Diocesanos

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