Vitamin water

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Vitamin waters are functional drinks that are based on natural table water enriched with vitamins and minerals and usually contain natural fruit flavors and electrolytes . The vitamin waters close the supply gap between flavored / near water and classic soft drinks , they are low in energy and fat and contain different colors , aromas and preservatives . They cover a large part of the daily ration of one or more vitamins.

External perception

Vitamin water is mainly used in competitive sports , mountaineering or hiking in places where conventional electrolyte drinks are not available or only with difficulty, but the vitamins can be added to conventional drinking water in the form of powder and then carried with you.

Ingredients and ingredients

Common ingredients of vitamin water are (different depending on brand and type):


The idea of ​​enriching water with vitamins comes from the USA , from the founder of the Glacéau company , J. Darius Bikoff, 1996. The marketing message of these drinks emphasizes the healthy and refreshing effect that is mainly achieved by the water content.

Individual evidence

  1. “Young entrepreneurs launch vitamin water” on
  2. “Brewer War: Coca-Cola attacks Pepsi” on