People and culture

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Volk und Kultur was a German-language monthly magazine that appeared in Bucharest between 1949 and 1993 , initially under the name “Kultureller Wegweiser”.


The first two issues of the "Kulturellen Wegweiser" appeared in 1949. This magazine, which initially appeared every two months, was initially the translation of the Romanian magazine "Îndrumătorul cultural" (the Hungarian version was called "Müvelödes"). These publications were brought out by the Bucharest House of Culture “Nicolae Bălcescu” and were intended as a guide for the houses of culture throughout Romania. From 1950, each of the three magazines began to publish their content tailored to the respective ethnic minority.

In 1955 the magazine received the subtitle "Journal of the Central House for Artistic Folk Creation of the Ministry of Culture" (Romanian: Publicație a Casei centrale pentru creație populară a Ministerului Culturii). In 1956 the "Kulturelle [r] Wegweiser" was renamed "Volk und Kultur" and was published monthly. The profile of the magazine was retained, namely "to be advisors and helpers to the amateur art and amateur play groups of the urban and village cultural institutions and to publish lecture material suitable for them."

After a rather folkloristic phase, the 64-page “People and Culture” was redesigned in 1968 by its new editor-in-chief, the writer Franz Storch, into an informative and versatile cultural publication, with the main sections art, literature (from our publishers - for you; the book ; Young authors), tradition, customs, repertoire and numerous cultural reports.

In 1986 the independent existence of “Volk und Kultur” (including that of the Hungarian edition “Müvelödes”) ended. Both have now appeared as a supplement to the Romanian monthly “Cântarea României”. After the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989/90), the then editor-in-chief Anna Bretz succeeded, despite all efforts, in having “Volk und Kultur” appear sporadically until 1993 (when it was finally released).

The “People and Culture” (as well as their Romanian and Hungarian counterparts) were initially subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, then to the Ministry of Education and Culture, then to the Council for Socialist Culture and Education. Like all media in socialist Romania, “People and Culture” also had to follow the official line of media publications. Nevertheless, every issue of this publication - apart from the first 3–5 mandatory political pages - was a valuable source of cultural information for the German minority in Romania .

The editors-in-chief were: Heinrich Simonis (1949–1969), Franz Storch (1969–1982), Anna Bretz (1982–1990). Editors were: Gerhardt Eike Hügel, Nora Iuga , Corina Jiva, Ruth Lissai, Dieter Mehl, Charlotte Millitz, Brigitte Stephani u. a.


  • Reports and research , yearbook of the Federal Institute for Culture and History of Germans in Eastern Europe, Volume 11, 2003, pp. 157–158.

Individual evidence

  1. The editors “People and Culture”: “People and Culture.” In: Neuer Weg . No. 2283 of August 19, 1956.