Brigitte Stephani

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Brigitte Maja Stephani b. Nussbächer (born February 14, 1942 in Sibiu , Kingdom of Romania ) is a German folklorist , art critic , publicist and translator . She also published as Brigitte Nussbächer and under the pseudonyms Maja Wassermann, Anna Conrad, Maja Czekelius, Maja Martini and Ana Sibianu.


She grew up in Sibiu, where she attended the state German grammar school. Then she first studied Russian at the Bucharest Pedagogical Institute , which she graduated with . She then taught for two years at the German-speaking schools in Rode ( Zagăr ) near Elisabethstadt ( Dumbrăveni ) and in Michelsberg ( Cisnădioara ) near Hermannstadt (Sibiu). Then she studied German and English at the Faculty of Literature and Modern Languages ​​of the University of CI Parhon, Bucharest, which she completed in 1969 with an MA . During her studies she had worked as an intern in the culture department of the Hermannstädter Zeitung during the summer holidays , where she often published her own articles.

After completing her studies, she worked for three years as a lecturer in the department for German-language literature at Kriterion Verlag, Bucharest, and then as editor for the German-language monthly Volk und Kultur , Bucharest, where she was responsible for the fine arts , until she left for Germany in 1990 . Customs , Folklore and Young Authors.

Since 1969 she has been married to the writer , ethnologist and journalist Claus Stephani , then editor of the journal Neue Literatur . The marriage has two sons. The older man had a fatal accident in a hitherto unexplained manner during a day trip to the Carpathian Mountains . In 1990 she emigrated with her family from Bucharest to Munich and has lived in Baldham since 1999 . In Germany she first worked as a research assistant at the Parish Institute of the Munich City Museum and then as a librarian at the HDO and as a freelance journalist and book author.

Publications (selection)


  • Eduard Morres . A Transylvanian artist. 1884-1980. Monograph . Munich / Heidelberg : Zeidner Neighborhood / Working Group for Transylvanian Regional Studies, 2006. ISBN 3-929848-57-0
  • Spiš children's world in northern Romania. Marburg : NG Elwert Verlag, 1989. (Series of publications by the Commission for East German Folklore in the German Society for Folklore, Vol. 46.)
  • They shaped our art. Studies and essays (ed.). Klausenburg / Cluj-Napoca : Dacia Verlag, 1985
  • Otto Czekelius . Writings from the estate . (Ed.) Bucharest: Kriterion Verlag, 1985
  • Emil Sigerus . Folklore and art historical writings. (Ed.) Bucharest: Kriterion Verlag, 1977
  • Reflections in light and shadow. Eduard Morres as a messenger of open air painting . Catalog for the exhibition. Munich: HDO, 2014. ISBN 978-3-927977-36-5


  • Basic German course. Îndrumător explicativ la cursul “Învățați limba germană fără profesor” (textbook for the course “Learn German without a teacher”). Munich: Verlag für Deutsch, 1995
  • The Aragonese and the Telegraph. Spanish folk anecdotes. (Translation from Romanian.) Bucharest: Ion Creangă Publishing House, 1970
  • The horse with the golden horseshoes. Romanian folk tales from Transylvania. Bucharest: Ion Creangă Publishing House, 1969
  • A dream that came true. Occasional piece by Radu Miron. Preprint In: Volk und Kultur (Bucharest), 19th year, No. 11/1967

Individual evidence

  3. ^ Gudrun-Liane Ittu: Eduard Morres - an artist of European format. In: Siebenbürgische Zeitung (Munich), episode 14 v. September 15, 2006, p. 9 [1]
  4. ^ Brigitte Stephani: Eduard Morres. A Transylvanian artist (1884–1980).
  5. ISBN 3-7708-0926-2
  6. ^ Eduard Morres as a representative of open-air painting. Exhibition of the Transylvanian artist in Munich. In: ADZ, May 8, 2014
  7. A messenger of open air painting. Exhibition. In: Greetings from Zeidner.

Web links