Volker Noth

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Volker Noth (born June 20, 1941 in Berlin ) is a German graphic artist .


Volker Noth was born as the third child of the architect Herbert Noth and his wife Nora Noth, geb. Gaedertz, born. Until 1952 he grew up with his sisters Krista and Brita in Prerow on the Darß on the Baltic Sea. Then he returned to his hometown.

After graduating from high school, Noth studied at the Masters School for Graphics, Printing and Advertising / University of the Arts Berlin between 1963 and 1967 . In the final year he was accepted into the Association of German Graphic Designers (BDG) as well as the establishment of the Noth + Hauer studio, which he built up together with his fellow student Cordes Hauer. In 1971 the copywriter Peter Sodemann joined them. Together, the trio developed a creative group that "acted as an independent solution between graphic design and agency". In this environment, works for the graphic industry, the Senator for Labor and Social Affairs in Berlin, the local district offices in Neukölln and Wedding, for the Schillertheater Berlin , the Institute for Foreign Relations (ifa), the Europa-Union Berlin, museums, galleries were created and publishers, a bank and other different clients.

In addition to his studio work, from 1967 to 1970 and from 1974 to 1977 Noth worked as a lecturer in the basic course at the State Academy for Graphics, Printing and Advertising / University of the Arts in Berlin. Later he shaped the appearance of the Berlin International Film Festival : Between 1977 and 2001 he was responsible for the respective Berlinale motifs. Their technical implementation took place in close collaboration with Klaus Janck.

From the first orders for the Deutsche Kinemathek , which was entrusted with responsibility for the retrospectives and homages of the Berlin International Film Festival in 1977, an intensive collaboration also developed from the same year. This resulted in numerous posters and publications for the Kinemathek, which opened the Filmmuseum Berlin on Potsdamer Platz in 2000 and became the Museum for Film and Television in 2006. During this time, Noth learned a lot about designing books, which he says is "a wonderful addition to the large formats".

In November 1988 he separated from the Atelier Noth + Hauer and founded his own under the name "Volker Noth Graphic Design". Here, too, he developed works for the Berlin International Film Festival, the Deutsche Kinemathek, publishers, museums, galleries and various other projects.

Between 1989 and 2005 there was also a project-related collaboration with the graphic designer Brigitte Ehret. In 2006, Volker Noth finally discovered "book-making on his own subjects in small editions [...]; small publications for a self-determined side path in the design area that is independent of clients".


Posters (selection)

  • Europa-Union Berlin (1967–1982)
  • Schiller Theater Berlin (1977–1979)
  • State Museums (1978-2003)
  • Berlinale - Main Motifs - Panorama - Homages - Children's Film Festival (1977–2001)
  • Berlinale - Retrospectives (1977-2005)
  • Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek (1977-2005)

as well as for the Bauhaus-Archiv - Museum für Gestaltung Berlin,

the Senator for Labor and Social Affairs Berlin,

German Historical Museum Berlin (DHM) and others

Books with the atelier Noth + Hauer

  • Writing in our streets. Self-published by Harris-Intertype, Berlin 1969.
  • Signs in our streets. Self-published by Volta-Werke, Berlin 1971.
  • A pub crawl through Berlin. Self-published by Harris-Intertype, Berlin 1973.
  • It is lucky that unfortunately there are 13. Self-published, Berlin 1987.

Books about your own work

  • with Alfred Behrens : Berliner Stadtbahnbilder. Ullstein, Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-550-07945-1 . (Awarded the Kodak Photo Book Prize 1981)
  • with Alfred Behrens: Berliner Stadtbahn - Pictures and Stories. Ullstein, Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-550-06889-1 .
  • Berlinale posters 1977–2000. Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-00-005490-1 .
  • Posters + publications 1977–2005. Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-9807746-4-3 .
  • Cinemas - Berlin around the corner and discoveries on the way. Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-9807746-6-X .
  • Posters, books and… museums, galleries, theaters, publishers and… 1967–2007. Self-published, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-022247-4 .
  • Stories, traces, echoes. Collages from work books 1987 to 2007. Self-published, Berlin 2007.
  • Find pictures 1977–2001. Paths to the Berlinale poster. Self-published, Berlin 2009.
  • Poster / cards greetings. Self-published, Berlin 2010.
  • Three10. Search, find, collect. Self-published, Berlin 2010.
  • Fleeting moments. Pictures in passing. Self-published, Berlin 2011.
  • German house. Self-published, Berlin 2011.
  • Berlin wall. Messages against the gray. Self-published, Berlin 2011.
  • Shadow. Lines and 4 colors. Self-published, Berlin 2012.
  • Cinemas. The big, the small and the very small. Self-published, Berlin 2013.
  • At your feet. See the anger differently. Self-published, Berlin 2013.
  • Encrypted messages in public. Self-published, Berlin 2014.
  • Font remainders. Self-published, Berlin 2015.
  • 21 POINTS at the feet. Self-published, Berlin 2015.
  • AMBER STONES. Photos from 2015 to 2016 in Bern. Self-published, Berlin 2016.
  • RAILWAY STATIONS and ... to COLLAGES. Basic photos from the years 2015 to 2017 from Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Self-published, Berlin 2017.
  • RAIN POOLS COLLAGES. Basic collages from the years 2007 to 2018, puddle pictures from Berlin and other places, 2017/2018 self-published, Berlin 2018.
  • Leaves from ... fallen. Collage photos from Fürstenberg, Bern, Cottbus, Bayreuth and Berlin Selbstverlag, Berlin 2019.

Books about the works of his wife, Barbara Noth

  • Barbara Noth. Works 1974 to 2004. Self-published, Berlin 2004.
  • Barbara Noth. Color signals + markings. Works 1989 to 2011. Self-published, Berlin 2012.

Books about the parents Nora and Herbert Noth

  • Nora Noth… Sometimes it went all over the place… Self-published, Berlin 2000.
  • The building artist Herbert Noth.Karl -Robert Schütze, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-928589-26-0 .

Book about the works of his grandmother, Bertha Gaedertz

  • Bertha Gaedertz. Drawings, watercolors and memories from an unusual life. Self-published, Berlin 2012.

Solo exhibitions

  • 2005 Volker Noth. Posters 1977–2005. Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin.
  • 2009 The Berlinale in pictures. Design ways. Düren City Library , Düren.
  • 2013 Berlin life. Posters by Volker Noth. Museum Folkwang / German Poster Museum , Essen. (A publication with texts by René Grohnert was published for this exhibition, in Edition Folkwang / Steidl.)
  • 2018 Search / Try / Do. Posters by Volker Noth. Poster Museum in the Bayreuth Art Museum , Bayreuth. (A short film is also available for this exhibition.)


1970–1972 and 1974–1980 participation in the exemplary posters competition in Berlin

  • 1981 Kodak Photo Book Prize, photo book category, for Berlin tram pictures by Alfred Behrens and Volker Noth
  • 1982 The Chicago International Film Festival, gold plaque for the poster for the 33rd Berlin International Film Festival, main motif flying eye . (The poster for the 1983 Berlinale was advertised in the USA at the end of 1982.)
  • 1984 The Hollywood Reporter, 13th Key Art Awards, first place for the poster for the 34th Berlin International Film Festival, main motif jacket with striped tie .
  • 1987 The Hollywood Reporter, 16th Key Art Awards, first place for the poster for the 37th Berlin International Film Festival, main theme doors .

Honorable mention of the Rouben-Mamoulian poster (retrospective)

  • 1988 The Hollywood Reporter, 17th Key Art Awards, second place for the poster for the 38th Berlin International Film Festival: Color - The history of color film (retrospective)
  • 1989 The Hollywood Reporter, 18th Key Art Awards, third place for the Erich Pommer poster (retrospective)
  • 1991 The Hollywood Reporter, 20th Key Art Awards, second place for the poster for the 41st Berlin International Film Festival / 14th Berlin Children's Film Festival
  • 1992 The Hollywood Reporter, 21st Key Art Awards, second place for the poster for the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival, main motif is a woman's head . Third place for Babelsberg. 1912 A film studio (Filmmuseum Berlin)
  • 1996 Berlinale camera for graphic artist Volker Noth

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Berliner Leben Plakate by Volker Noth. Accessed October 30, 2019 .
  2. Search | Try | Do - posters by Volker Noth. In: YouTube. Bayreuth Art Museum, August 7, 2018, accessed October 30, 2019 .