Volksbank Eppingen

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The former Volksbank Eppingen , an independent cooperative bank from 1867 to 1971, was one of the first cooperative banks in what is now Baden-Württemberg .


On the initiative of Oberamtmann Leutz, head of the Eppingen district office since 1866 , the founding meeting of the Eppingen credit association took place on December 15, 1867. 95 citizens declared their membership in writing. 14 days later the new association already had 217 members from the entire district . At the general meeting on December 28, 1867, the members elected the management of their credit association: Leutz (Oberamtmann) as chairman, Wilhelm (medical advisor) as deputy chairman, Stichs (court notary) as secretary, Bucherer (notary) as deputy secretary. Other members of the board were: Attorney Eppinger, District Councilor Jakob Gebhard, businessman Ludwig Hochstetter and mayor Ludwig Lother. In 1869 it joined the General German Cooperative Association .

Cooperative idea

The idea of ​​the cooperative emerged in the middle of the 19th century. Almost simultaneously, but still independently of one another, Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818–1888) and Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch (1808–1883) developed a new type of company: the cooperative . Self-help through voluntary cooperation was their solution to the existential crisis of the middle class.

In 1849 Schulze-Delitzsch founded the first cooperative, the shoemaker's association . By purchasing together, the members were able to achieve higher discounts. In 1850 Schulze-Delitzsch called the advance payment association into being. It was the forerunner of today's Volksbanks. In 1864, Raiffeisen founded Germany's first credit cooperative, the Heddersdorfer Loan Association . Everyone who wanted to get a loan had to be a member of the association. For the first time, loans were also affordable for the rural population.


Mayor Heinrich Raußmüller became the first director, still honorary, of the advance payment association in 1876. From January 1, 1879, business was carried out at Brettener Strasse 39 in Eppingen, in the shop of the merchant Gustav Neudeck (computer from 1879 to 1908). In 1878 a balance sheet profit could be shown for the first time, 321.51 guilders, which were distributed as dividends with 3% of the paid-in capital. The balance sheet total grew to 1.6 million marks by 1908.

The move to the bought and converted Baumbusch house in Bahnhofstrasse 23 in 1910 shows that the credit association was developing well. The Eppingen advance payment association was renamed Volksbank Eppingen . Konrad Metzger (1896 to 1928 director), Adam Huber (1900 to 1916 controller and cashier) and Philipp Vielhauer (1928 to 1957 director) played a major role in the success of the Volksbank.

The two world wars slowed the development of the bank and as a result inflation destroyed significant parts of the capital.

In 1967 Volksbank Eppingen eG celebrated its 100th anniversary. The economic miracle was also evident in the business figures for the anniversary year 1967: total sales 600 million DM, credit volume 16 million DM, equity capital 1.336 million DM, 2,000 members (comrades) and over 15,000 customer accounts. Branches existed in Gemmingen , Mühlbach , Richen and Sulzfeld .

In 2001, Volksbank Eppingen merged with Volksbanks Sinsheim and Bad Rappenau, which had already merged in 1997, to form Volksbank Kraichgau eG.

In 2010 Volksbank Kraichgau eG merged with Volksbank Wiesloch eG to form the new Volksbank Kraichgau Wiesloch-Sinsheim .


  • 100 years Volksbank Eppingen . Anniversary supplement of the Eppinger Zeitung No. 289 from December 15, 1967.