Seducer (band)

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Volksverhetzer was a right-wing rock band from Sonneberg and Suhl in southern Thuringia , which also appeared under the name VV1 . Its members are known today as the assault continued in the neo-Nazi active -Skinheadszene.

The five-piece band was founded in 1996 and quickly gained national fame. In 1997 she released a split CD with Veit under the title Our Unity Makes Us Power on the label “Lecture-Book-Travel” (VBR) founded in 1997 by today's NPD federal manager Frank Schwerdt . The CD was confiscated nationwide on May 7, 1999 .

In their texts it says z. B. in the song Blutrausch that you “feel better” when you “clap colorful people”, and further “in the middle of a battle you stop thinking, you just want to kill, nobody can control you”. Furthermore, violence is called against judges who have condemned right-wing youths. At the end of October 1998, Schwerdt was found guilty of having organized the CD glorifying violence and selling around 2,500 copies as managing director of the right-wing extremist publishing house VBR, and had to serve a six-month prison sentence.

After the band broke up, former band members founded the right-wing rock band "Sturmangriff", which has played at several neo-Nazi concerts since the end of 1998, particularly in the Thuringia area.


  • Volksverhetzer & Veit : Our unity makes us power (1997, split album, confiscated on May 7, 1999)

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  1. ↑ Incitement to the people , entry in Turn it down ( Memento of the original from December 3, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /