Full body

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In the mathematical subfield of algebra , a complete body (also a complete weighted body ) is a weighted body , which is a complete space with the metric resulting from the weighting .

Standard example for a complete body is for an incomplete body . In these two bodies, the absolute amount provides the evaluation.

For ordered bodies , one has a second term of completeness in addition to order completeness (metric completeness or Cauchy completeness), but for Archimedean bodies (such as or ) the two are equivalent: an ordered body is Archimedean and Cauchy-complete if and only if it is orderly . However, there are unordered solids (like or ) that are metrically complete.


A rated body is a body with a rating, i. H. a mapping into the real numbers


which the conditions

for , and
for all
for all


The rating induces a metric on through


A weighted field is called complete if every Cauchy sequence converges in with the induced metric .


The term "whole body" suggests not only looking at valued bodies, but more generally, metric bodies. The nLab defines a complete body as a complete space and additionally demands the continuity of the body operations, i.e. the images

with respect to the topology generated by the metric are continuous . This continuity follows automatically from the above-mentioned properties of an evaluation.


  • The body of the real numbers with the metric .
  • The body of complex numbers with the metric .
  • The field of the p-adic numbers with the metric defined by the p-adic norm .
  • The oblique body of the quaternions with the metric .

Completion of rated bodies


Let be a valued body and the metric induced by the valuation. The completion of this metric is a complete body, which is denoted by.


  • Starting from the field of rational numbers with the p-adic valuation , you get the field of p-adic numbers as a completion .
  • Starting from the field of rational numbers with the absolute amount, you get the field of real numbers as a completion.
  • Starting from the rational function body and the evaluation given by the zero order at the zero point, one obtains the body of the formal Laurent series as a completion .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lexicon of Mathematics . tape 5 . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2002, ISBN 3-8274-0437-1 , complete body, p. 352 ( Spektrum.de [accessed on March 26, 2019]).
  2. Toby Bartels, et al. : complete space. In: nLab. July 12, 2018, accessed March 26, 2019 .

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