From conflict to community

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From conflict to community. Joint Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 (English original title: From Conflict to Communion. Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 ) is a study document of the Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity . It was presented to the public on June 17, 2013 during the council meeting of the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva by Cardinal Kurt Koch and Secretary General Martin Junge .


The 90-page document declares the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation to be an anniversary celebrated jointly by Lutherans and Catholics - in contrast to all previous Reformation centenaries . The schism in the church is not celebrated, but the theological insights of the reformers and the answers of the Council of Trent are brought to mind. The historical context of commemoration in 2017 was an “ ecumenical age”, but also, according to the second chapter, globalization with its religious and ideological diversity and the advancing secularization .

In the third chapter the document offers a presentation of the history of the Reformation from a common perspective, in the fourth a presentation of the theology of Martin Luther , guided by the common interest in the subject, based on the results of the fifty years of Lutheran-Catholic dialogue, in particular on the joint declaration on the doctrine of justification .

The fifth chapter names joy in the charisms of the “separated brothers” and confession of one's own guilt for the separation as basic motifs of the Reformation commemoration. Five “imperatives” for ecumenical belief and action are derived from this.

“The aim of commemorating the beginning of the Reformation should be to place Jesus Christ in the center, to confess and celebrate him as the one,“ who alone can be trusted over everything as the one mediator (1 Tim 2,5f.) through whom God in the Holy Spirit gives himself and gives his renewing gifts »(Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification)."

Text output

Individual evidence

  1. Press release (, June 17, 2013)
  2. ↑ Table of contents after the "brief introduction"
  3. "Brief Introduction" , Section 7

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