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In grammar , prematurity means that a described action took place before a second action described in a superordinate construction.

The prematurity belongs to the temporal relations ( Consecutio temporum ) alongside the simultaneity and the later temporality . Their use in a language depends on the timing of the action.

German language

Link clauses are opposite to the superordinate constructions

  • through certain (temporal) conjunction such as B. after , as , soon , since then , as well , if
  • through the tense

marked as premature.

From the point of view of the action ( timeline ); if the event or happening in a subordinate clause ( protasis ) begins before the event expressed in the main clause ( apodosis ), it is referred to as prematurity.

Example: " After the Wikipedians an article had written ( Past perfect ) used ( past tense ) he the preview function."

The past participle also signals prematurity.

Example: "The written article has been saved."

Latin language

There are also clauses here

  • by certain subjunctions such as B. postquam
  • through the tense (which, like the mode , can also be influenced by the subjunction, contrary to the actual rules of the sequence of tenses)

marked as premature compared to the superordinate construction.

Example: Homo "cum" sermonem "scripsisset", se recepit.

As in German, the PPP is also considered premature compared to the superordinate verb form. It can occur, for example, as a Participium coniunctum or as part of an ablativus absolutus .

Example: Sermon "scripto" homo se recepit.

In addition, the infinitive perfect, which z. B. in AcI or NcI can be used as premature compared to the higher-level construction.

Example: Homo se sermonem “scripsisse” dixit.