Würzburg Synod

The Joint Synod of the Dioceses in the Federal Republic of Germany , the official title of the Würzburg Synod, took place in Würzburg from 1971 to 1975 . The Synod's task was to promote the implementation of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council . The synod was convened by the German Bishops' Conference in February 1969.
Eight sessions were held between January 1971 and November 1975. Participants entitled to vote were not only bishops, but also simple clerics and lay people from all German dioceses. The first general working meeting took place from May 10th to 14th, 1972 in Würzburg Cathedral , the main nave of which was already used as an auditorium in January 1971. The results of the synod were recorded in 18 resolutions and 6 working papers. The president of the synod was Julius Cardinal Döpfner .
- Ludwig Bertsch u. a. (Ed.): Joint synod of the dioceses in the Federal Republic of Germany: official complete edition. 2 vols. Freiburg im Breisgau; Basel; Vienna: Herder 1976–1977
- Vol. 1: Resolutions of the General Assembly 1976 (7th edition 1989; ISBN 3-451-17614-9 ).
- Vol. 2: Supplementary volume : Working papers of the subject commissions 1977 (3rd edition 1981; ISBN 3-451-17897-4 ).
- Karl Rahner : Structural change in the church as a task and an opportunity , Freiburg 1972 (new edition 1989) (PDF file; 656 kB).
- Dieter Emeis , Burkard Sauermost (ed.): Synod - end or beginning. A study book for practice in educational and community work, Düsseldorf: Patmos 1976.
- Albert Kauflein and Tobias Licht (eds.): Where is the church? Orientation towards the Second Vatican Council and the Joint Synod. Karlsruhe: Braun 1996; ISBN 3-7650-8179-5 .
- Hartmut Heidenreich: Personal offer as a core concept of practical-theological action: on its reconstruction, reception and interpretation after the Würzburg synod decision of 1975. Münster: Lit 2004; ISBN 3-8258-7133-9 .
- Stefan Schmitz: What does the church do at school? Religious instruction and school pastoral work 30 years after the Würzburg synod resolution. Münster: Lit 2004; ISBN 3-8258-7608-X .
- Sabine Demel : The Würzburg Synod - an unsurpassed role model for dialogic structures in the Catholic Church (2011)
- Reinhard Feiter (Ed.), Richard Hartmann (Ed.), Joachim Schmiedl (Ed.), The Würzburg Synod. The texts reread (= European Synods after the Second Vatican Council, Volume 1), Herder, Freiburg Br. Basel, Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-451-30713-3 , pp. 111–128.
- Stefan Voges: Council, Dialogue and Democracy. The way to the Würzburg Synod 1965–1971 . Schöningh, Paderborn 2015, ISBN 978-3-506-78212-0 .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Klaus Witt City: church and state in the 20th century. In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes, Volume I-III / 2, Theiss, Stuttgart 2001-2007; III / 1–2: From the transition to Bavaria to the 21st century. 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1478-9 , pp. 453–478 and 1304 f., Here: pp. 470–475 ( renewal in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council - Bishop Josef Stangl ). P. 473 f.