Włodzimierz Łuskina

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Włodzimierz Łuskina , Russian Володимир Лускіно Wladimir Luskino , (* 1849 in Stare Sioło ; † 1894 in Cracow ) was a Polish painter, writer and engineer.


He studied at the Institute of Technology in Cracow from 1870 to 1874 and then worked as an engineer for the railroad. From 1877 to 1878, the time of the Russo-Turkish War , he was in Romania. After returning to Krakow, he devoted himself to painting. He probably took private lessons from Jan Matejko . From 1882 to 1886 he studied painting at the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts . In 1889 he received a scholarship for Paris in order to be able to continue his art studies with Fernand Cormon . In 1892 he returned to Krakow. He painted religious paintings and genres such as riding, hunting and fighting scenes, dance and reveling such as Jan Onufry Zagłoba , a hero from Henryk Sienkiewicz 's novel With Fire and Sword . He created a curtain for the City Theater in Krakow. He exhibited at the TPSP in Cracow and Lviv. Jan Czesław Moniuszko found inspiration in him. He was involved under Jan Matejko (among others) in the painting of the auditorium at Lviv University .


He wrote numerous articles for the press (including for the Gebethner i Wolff publishing house ) and also published a novel describing the vision of a future European war.


  • Wojna Rosji z Austro-Węgrami . Drukarnia Polska, Lwów 1893, OCLC 749383428 (Polish, 112 pages).

Web links

Commons : Włodzimierz Łuskina  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b company website with biographical data
  2. lvivcenter.org