Election in Zambia in 1991

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The election results of October 31, 1991 in Zambia . There were 2,931,909 registered voters. The turnout was estimated at around 45%. A concrete vote count is not available.

Results of the presidential elections of October 31, 1991 in Zambia
candidate Political party be right percent
Frederick Chiluba Movement for Multiparty Democracy 75.8%
Kenneth Kaunda United National Independence Party 24.2%
total n / A. 100.0%
Results of the elections to the National Assembly on October 31, 1991 in Zambia
Political party be right percent Mandates
Movement for Multiparty Democracy 125
United National Independence Party 25th
MPs appointed by the President 8th
President of Parliament (Speaker) 1
total   159


  1. Source: Africanelections