Nordoulu constituency

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Nordoulu constituency
Nordoulu constituency
country Finland FinlandFinland
Seats in parliament 6 to 9

The constituency Nordoulu was from 1907 to 1936 one of 16 Finnish constituencies for elections to the Finnish parliament . In the parliamentary elections, each constituency is entitled to a certain number of seats in parliament based on the number of inhabitants, the constituency Nordoulu was entitled to 6 seats from 1907 to 1916, 7 seats from 1917 to 1924, 8 seats from 1927 to 1933 and 9 seats in 1936. From the election in 1939, the constituency of Nordoulu was divided, a larger northern part came to the constituency of Lapland , the south was combined with the constituency of Südoulu to form the constituency of Oulu .