Texas Hold'em odds

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Probabilities in Texas Hold'em describes the probable distribution of the chance of winning a given starting hand (hole cards) in the poker game variant Texas Hold'em .

Determination of the probability

The following table roughly applies to the strength of a starting hand. The smaller a number is, the better the hand is. Offsuited hands are on the left or below the main diagonal, hands of the same color ( suited ) are on the right or above the main diagonal.

Pre-flop strategy
  A. K Q J T 9 8th 7th 6th 5 4th 3 2
A. 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
K 2 1 2 3 4th 6th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th
Q 3 4th 1 3 4th 5 7th
J 4th 5 5 1 3 4th 6th 8th
T 6th 6th 6th 5 2 4th 5 7th
9 8th 8th 8th 7th 7th 3 4th 5 8th
8th   8th 8th 7th 4th 5 6th 8th
7th   8th 5 5 7th 8th
6th   8th 6th 5 7th
5   8th 6th 6th 8th
4th   8th 7th 7th 8th
3   7th 8th
2   7th

There are basically two ways to determine the probabilities of a starting hand

Result set

Calculate the number of ways that you can hit a particular hand . For example, to get AA , assuming the order is ignored, there are six possibilities, namely A A , A A , A A , A A , A A , A A . The formula for this is


(n! speak n faculty )

Overall there is

different starting hands. From this follows for the probability of two aces


Conditional probability

With fifty-two cards there are four aces in the deck. The probability of getting an ace is therefore included

The probability of receiving an ace in the absence of a card that is an ace is

From this follows a probability of ...

... that you get 2 aces when dealing.

Analysis of the starting hands

A total of 1,326 different starting hands are possible in Texas Hold'em. The colors were included in the bill.

From the previous calculations we learned that on average, every 221st hand you get two aces.

Since all colors have the same value in poker, many of the 1,326 possible starting hands are equivalent, at least before the flop . Therefore, hands are basically divided into three groups before the flop

information Number
of hands
Color permutations
for each hand
Combinations Certain hand of the type Some hand of the guy
probability bet probability bet
Pocket pair 13 13 x 6 = 78 220: 1 16: 1
78 78 x 4 = 312 331: 1 3.25: 1
78 78 x 12 = 936 110: 1 0.417: 1

The following are the probabilities for certain hands:

hand probability bet
AK s or two other specific suiteds 0.302% 331: 1
AA or some other specific pair 0.452% 220: 1
AK s, KQ s, QJ s, or JT s 1.207% 81.9: 1
AK or some other specific non-couple 1.207% 81.9: 1
AA , KK , or QQ 1.357% 72.7: 1
AA , KK , QQ or JJ 1.810% 54.3: 1
Cards of the same color, J or higher 1.810% 54.3: 1
AA , KK , QQ , YY , or DD 2.262% 43.2: 1
Cards of the same color, T or higher 3.107% 32.2: 1
Suited connectors 3.922% 24.5: 1
Connectors, T or better 4.827% 19.7: 1
Two cards, Q or higher 4.977% 19.1: 1
Any couple 5.882% 16: 1
Two cards, J or higher 9.050% 10.1: 1
Two cards, T or higher 14.329% 5.98: 1
Connectors 15.686% 5.38: 1
Two cards, 9 or higher 20.815% 3.81: 1
Neither connected nor suited, at least one card 9 or lower 53.394% 0.873: 1

Starting hands in heads-up

In heads-up , the opposing player can

have different starting hands. After the flop, this number goes down

possible hands.

Overall there is heads-up

different ways of confronting which cards the players have in hand. We now assume that two players hold their hands until after the river and we see a showdown like this. There are


Opportunities for the community cards . It follows that it

So there are around 3.68 billion opportunities for distributing community and hole cards .

Comparison of two starting hands

The following table contains the probabilities for the outcome of a clash between the starting hands of two players

Favorite against underdog probability bet
Couple against undercards 83.0% 4.9: 1
Pair versus lower pair 82.0% 4.5: 1
Pair against an overcard and an undercard 71.0% 2.5: 1
2 over against 2 under cards 63.0% 1.7: 1
Pair against 2 overcards 55.0% 1.2: 1

These numbers cannot be given exactly, after all, the colors of the cards can also influence the result.

Example: A A wins against K Q by 87.650% (0.490% for the split pot ), against 6 7 but only by 76.81% (0.32% for the split pot).

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  1. ↑ From a purely mathematical point of view, it makes no difference whether more players played at the beginning, but who put their cards away (both cards that were discarded and not dealt are equally disregarded in the calculation). But of course the opponents would only have thrown a bad hand in the game . It is implicitly assumed here that there were only two players from the start (definition 1. of heads-up ) and that it is a completely new hand.