Valentina Nikolaevna Mamontova

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Valentina Nikolaevna Mamontowa ( Russian Валентина Николаевна Мамонтова * June 25 . Jul / 7. July  1895 greg. In Saratov ; † 20th May 1982 ibid) was a Russian biologist and plant breeder .


Mamontowa graduated from the 4th girls' high school in Saratov in 1912. She then studied in the St. Petersburg Higher Course for Women in Agriculture initiated by Professor Ivan Alexandrowitsch Stebut and graduated in 1919. She was then won over to the Saratov plant breeding station founded by Alexander Iwanowitsch Stebut in 1910 (now the Research Institute for Agriculture of the Southeast), where she worked under the line Georgi Karlowitsch master the selection breeding work initiated. She was one of the founders of the method of gradual hybridization , which was applied to spring wheat . This was the beginning of what has become a global practice. She bred valuable soft and durum wheat varieties. She was a PhD in Agriculture .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Agro story: Родилась Мамонтова Валентина Николаевна (June 25, 1895) (accessed on February 12, 2018).
  2. a b c d e f g САРАТОВСКАЯ ОБЛАСТНАЯ УНИВЕРСАЛЬНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА: Мамонтова В.Н. (accessed on February 12, 2018).