Walking Liberty Half Dollar

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The Walking Liberty Half Dollar is an American half dollar or 50 cents silver coin that was minted from 1916 to 1947. The coin designed by Adolph Alexander Weinman is named after its motif, Lady Liberty , the striding goddess of freedom .



The obverse of the coin shows the American goddess of freedom "Lady Liberty", who is walking to the left and is wrapped in a long robe. She wears a Phrygian cap and is surrounded by the American flag. In her left hand she holds an oak and an olive branch, while her right arm is stretched out forward. In the background you can see a mountain with a rising sun. Above the inscription is "LIBERTY" (Engl .: Freedom ) and below the respective year of issue. The motto " IN GOD WE TRUST " (Engl .: In God we trust ) and to 1917 and the mint mark are positioned to the right, a D for Denver and an S for San Francisco . If there is no mintmark, the coin was minted in Philadelphia .

On the back is the left-facing American heraldic bird, a bald eagle . He is standing on a rock with a cactus . Below the face value "HALF • DOLLAR" is attached. The country name "UNITED • STATES • oF • AMERICA •" is on the top and the second motto " E • PLURIBUS UNUM " (Latin: from many one ) on the left. The mint mark has been to the left of the rock since 1917.

Years and editions

The following table contains all coined years and their circulation. In the last column the requirements of the coins are proof (ger .: Proof) listed. These were minted exclusively in Philadelphia. The years marked with an asterisk have the mint mark on the front, all others on the reverse.

year Philadelphia Denver San Francisco Proof
1916 * 608,000 1,014,400 508,000 -
1917 * 12,292,000 765,400 952,000 -
1917 1,940,000 5,554,000
1918 6,634,000 3,853,040 10,282,000 -
1919 962,000 1,165,000 1,552,000 -
1920 6,372,000 1,551,000 4,624,000 -
1921 246,000 208,000 548,000 -
1923 - - 2,178,000 -
1927 - - 2,392,000 -
1928 - - 1,940,000 -
1929 - 1,001,200 1,902,000 -
1933 - - 1,786,000 -
1934 6,964,000 2,361,400 3,652,000 -
1935 9,162,000 3,003,800 3,854,000 -
1936 12,614,000 4,252,400 3,884,000 3,901
1937 9,522,000 1,676,000 2,090,000 5,728
1938 4,110,000 491,600 - 8,152
1939 6,812,000 4,267,800 2,552,000 8,808
1940 9,156,000 - 4,550,000 11,279
1941 24,192,000 11,248,400 8,098,000 15,412
1942 47,818,000 10,973,800 12,708..000 21,120
1943 53,190,000 11,346,000 13,450,000 -
1944 28,206,000 9,769,000 8,904,000 -
1945 31,502,000 9,966,800 10,156,000 -
1946 12,118,000 2,151,000 3,724,000 -
1947 4,094,000 3,900,600 - -

Web links

Commons : Walking Liberty half dollars  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Volumes and editions of the Walking Liberty Half Dollar (English)