Walter Creighton Brown

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Walter Creighton Brown (born August 8, 1913 in Butte , Montana , † July 15, 2002 in Murphys , California ) was an American herpetologist .

Brown served as a soldier in New Guinea during World War II. He received his doctorate from Stanford University in 1955 and went to Silliman University in the Philippines as a Fulbright Professor .

He specialized in reptiles and amphibians from the South Pacific and the Philippines and first described 65 species of reptiles. Several reptiles are named after him.


  • Beolens, Watkins, Grayson: Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles, Johns Hopkins University Press 2011, p. 41

References and comments

  1. Peter Uetz: The original descriptions of reptiles, Zootaxa, No. 2335, 2010, 59–68, pdf