Walter E. Dahlke

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Walter Emil Dahlke (born August 24, 1910 in Berlin; † October 8, 1995 in Salisbury Township, Lehigh County ) was an electrical engineer .

The son of Hermann Emil Dahlke and Marie, b. Kunert studied in Berlin and attended lectures by Einstein, among other things. In 1936 he received his doctorate with a thesis on nuclear vibration bands of solid carbon dioxide. From 1936 to 1940 he worked as a post doc at the University of Jena and completed his habilitation in 1939.

Until 1949 he was head of the microwave laboratory of the German Research Institute for Aviation (DVL) in Adlershof in Berlin. He then went to Ulm, where he was Research Director of the AEG's Solid State Research Institute until 1965, doing research on electron tubes.

In 1964 he began at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania as a visiting professor in the National Science Foundation's Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship Program, and in 1965 he became Professor of Electrical Engineering. He was a specialist in the fields of high frequency technology and semiconductors. In 1981 he was appointed G. Whitney Snyder Professor and retired in 1985. He last lived in Allentown, Pennsylvania .

Publications (selection)

  • Nuclear vibration bands of solid carbon dioxide. (Berlin, Math.-Naturwiss. Diss., 1936) DNB 570061768
  • About the stimulation of cavities . German Aviation Research FB 1807 (1943) ZWB.
  • Measurements on cavity resonators. In: Report on the tubes working group on March 27 and 28, 1944 in Breslau.
  • Intensity and cross-sectional distribution of the boring ultrared radiation (300_m63) of the high-pressure cross-silver arch. (Jena, Math.-naturwiss. Hab.-Schr., 1939) DNB 57006175X
  • with Alfred Nowak u. a .: The tube in the VHF receiver. T. 3. Intermediate frequency steps. Franzis, Munich 1953, DNB 454072899
  • with Sanjay Jain: Relaxation of optically induced inversion layers in metal-insulator-semiconductor tunnel diodes. In: Journal of Applied Physics. 59, 1986, p. 1264, doi : 10.1063 / 1.336515 .

supporting documents

  1. Social Security number 186-40-7601  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  2. ^ Walter E. Dahlke, 85, Professor Of Electrical Engineering At Lehigh . In: The Morning Call. October 10, 1995. Retrieved October 13, 2012.
  3. ( Memento from September 4, 2012 on WebCite )
  4. The Epitome sixty five Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. 1965. p. 342

Web links