Walter Padgett

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Walter Padgett medal table

Sport shooting

United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom
Olympic games
silver London 1908 Army rifle 6 distances (M)

Walter Gell Padgett (* 1867 in Kingston upon Hull ; † May 4, 1929 there ) was a British marksman .


Walter Padgett took part in the 1908 Olympic Games in London in part, in which he took in just one discipline. With the army rifle, he was part of the British team that finished second over six different distances behind the United States and ahead of Canada. In addition to Padgett, Harcourt Ommundsen , Fleetwood Varley , Arthur Fulton , Philip Richardson and John Martin also won the silver medal. With 410 points he was the weakest shooter of the team with the tied John Martin.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Shooting at the 1908 London Summer Games: Men's Military Rifle, 200/500/600/800/900 / 1,000 yards, team. In: Accessed December 1, 2019 .