Walter Pikuritz

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Walter Friedrich Pikuritz (born June 4, 1877 in Danzig-Ohra , † November 26, 1961 in Berlin ) was a German sugar manufacturer.


Pikuritz came as the son of the innkeeper August Pikuritz and Christiane Pikuritz, nee. Kumm, to the world. He received his education at the municipal grammar school in Gdansk and then completed a commercial apprenticeship at the Gdansk import and export company Karl Gottlieb Stetten & Sohn . He joined the sugar wholesaler Gerike, Bahr & Co. , which had developed into one of the leading sugar trading companies since it was founded in 1879. He gained the trust of the company's founder, Gdańsk city councilor Otto Julius Gerike , who initially made him a co-owner and later transferred the entire company to him. Pikuritz rose to become one of the most influential figures in the German sugar industry.

His villa in the Berlin district of Grunewald , acquired in 1938, served as a senate guest house from the mid-1960s. In 1952 he was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.


  • Gerhard Lippky: Walter Pikuritz. In: Old Prussian biography. Volume 4: Ernst Bahr, Gerd Brausch (Ed.): Supplements to Volume I to III. Elwert, Marburg / Lahn 1995, ISBN 3-7708-0804-5 , p. 1140.