Walter Reist

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Walter Reist, Lothar Späth and Bernd Rüthers in the Lilienberg Entrepreneur Forum

Walter Reist (born February 19, 1927 in Schaffhausen ) is a Swiss entrepreneur .

Career path and company formation

During his training as a mechanical engineer, Walter Reist worked as a designer at the Daverio company in Zurich, where he developed a new, smear-free newspaper transporter for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung in 1953 . In 1957 he founded Fehr & Reist AG, today WRH Walter Reist Holding, with Hans Fehr in Dietlikon . The company has had its headquarters in Hinwil since 1963 . It builds and sells conveyor and processing systems for the printing industry. In 2006, WRH Walter Reist Holding and its subsidiaries FERAG , Denipro, PMC and 20 sales and distribution companies around the world employ over 1500 people. The company is a family company and has been in the hands of the second generation of the family since 1997.

Inventions and honorary doctorates

Walter Reist is the owner of over 3,500 patents in the field of print finishing. 1993 he was awarded the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich the Honorary Doctor of Technical Sciences in recognition of his inventions in the field of promotion, the processing and shipping of printed products.

Lilienberg Entrepreneur Forum

In 1987 Walter Reist founded the Lilienberg Entrepreneur Forum to promote entrepreneurship. In 1989, he established the Lilienberg Entrepreneur Forum in Ermatingen . It offers entrepreneurial personalities a meeting place for the exchange of experiences and mutual training. Several hundred personalities from all sectors of the economy take part in around 60 forum-specific events (in the areas of encounter, discussion and education) such as colloquia, conferences and seminars lasting several days.


  • Peter Forster. Foresight. Walter Reist - inventor and pioneer. Entrepreneur and Citizen . Frauenfeld 2007. ISBN 978-3-7193-1432-3
  • Karl Lüönd . Lived entrepreneurship. Processing conveyor technology. Walter Reist's contribution to the modern media industry . NZZ, Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-03-823352-7

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