Walter Ried

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Walter Georg Ried (born March 5, 1920 in Frankfurt am Main ; † April 2, 2008 ibid) was a German chemist .

life and work

Ried attended the Kaiser-Friedrich-Gymnasium in his hometown and after graduating from high school (1938) studied chemistry at the University of Frankfurt . After receiving his doctorate (1942) in organic chemistry , he became assistant to the then professor Walther Borsche (1877–1950). Since he was unfit for war due to illness, he stayed at the university throughout the war, where he organized the relocation of the library and the valuable equipment used to protect against the bombing attacks. After the end of the war, he organized the reconstruction of the destroyed chemical institutes with returning students. In the summer semester of 1946, teaching was resumed.

Ried was associated with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University for over 60 years. He supervised around 260 diploma students, state examination candidates and doctoral students. During 108 semesters he was responsible for the chemical internship of a total of 18,396 students of medicine and dentistry. Ried was an honorary citizen of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit .

Individual evidence

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