Walter Samuel Bartussek

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Walter Samuel Bartussek (* 1950 in Graz ) is an Austrian pantomime .

Walter Samuel Bartussek (2017)


Bartussek completed his studies in 1979 with a diploma in biomedical electrical engineering at the Graz University of Technology . During his studies he worked at the Graz small stage " Theater im Keller " and in the cabaret ensemble Die Tellerwäscher . As early as 1973 he was studying pantomime with Rolf Scharre (guest lecturer at the Mozarteum ). In 1979/80 he studied at the Mime Center London with Adam Darius and with Justin Case Mime, Mask, Movement , London. In 1983 he worked with the clown Pierre Byland in Zurich .

In 1983 Bartussek founded the "studio gold egg" for pantomime, dance, as well as body and consciousness training in Vienna, of which he is still director today. In addition, he was professor at the Bruckner Conservatory in Linz from 1991 to 2004 and then taught at the Acting Institute of the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz until 2015 . He also held teaching positions at the Universities for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and Graz and has since taught bodywork and performance training at the Music and Art University of the City of Vienna . Bartussek also works as a trainer for body language and non-verbal communication , as well as a coach with the MimoSonanz method he developed, which is used to represent and change unconscious behavior patterns through movement and body expression, and has published two books in which he summarized his experiences in this regard.

He was artistic director of the festivals New Mimes in Austria (1986), Direkt Bewegt (Wiener Festwochen 1988) and in 1997 donated the Golden Egg touring award for the best Austrian mime production as part of the festival series senza parole in "Dietheater" Vienna.


  • 1981 nomination for the Fringe First Award , Edinburgh
  • 1988 jury award from the Federal Ministry for Education and Art, Austria
  • 1990 Cabaret Prize of the City of Vienna


  • Walter Bartussek: pantomime and performing game . Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz 1990, ISBN 3-7867-1427-4
  • Walter Bartussek: Being conscious in the body . Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz 2000, ISBN 3-7867-2249-8

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