Walter Siemund

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Walter Siemund (born May 20, 1896 in Ladeburg near Bernau , † November 27, 1944 in the Brandenburg prison ) was a German locksmith. He was executed in 1944 as a resistance fighter for anti-Nazi activities.

Life and activity

Siemund learned the locksmith trade. Since 1919 he belonged to the KPD , in which he took over tasks as political director in Pankow .

During the Second World War , Siemund was involved as a member of the Uhrig group in the resistance against National Socialism . Among other things, he was involved in setting up an illegal operating group at the AEG turbine plant in Wedding.

On March 26, 1942, Siemund was arrested and in April 1942 sent to the Wuhlheide labor education camp with 17 other members of the Uhrig group . In September 1944 he was sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in Brandenburg prison .


On September 12, 1979, the 15th high school in Blankenburg (today elementary school under the trees ) was named after Walter Siemund. The ceremonial renaming took place in the presence of his widow Gertrud Siemund.

The youth club “Die Box” in Berlin-Friedrichshain , which opened in May 1972, had already been renamed the “Walter Siemund” youth club .

Since 1982 a memorial plaque on his last house in the Blankenburg V complex (Elstersteg or Elsterweg 34/29; today Schwirrammerweg) reminded of him. In 2000 this was no longer available.


Individual evidence

  1. Memorial plaques in Berlin - Memorial plaque advertisement. In: Retrieved December 15, 2014 .