Walther Klepsch

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Walther Klepsch (born April 4, 1890 in Wolfenbüttel , † September 1, 1979 in Braunschweig ) was a German politician ( USPD ).


Walther Klepsch was born the son of a colporteur . After training as a plumber and locksmith, he worked for the railway in Braunschweig from 1918.

Klepsch joined the USPD in 1918 and was elected to the Braunschweig State Parliament in the same year , to which he belonged until 1920.

In August 1944, Klepsch was interned in the Hallendorf labor education camp for ten days as part of the Grid Action .


  • Beatrix Herlemann , Helga Schatz: Biographical Lexicon of Lower Saxony Parliamentarians 1919–1945 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen. Volume 222). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 2004, ISBN 3-7752-6022-6 , p. 192.