Wang Zhong (Qing Dynasty)

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Wang Zhong ( Chinese  汪 中 , Pinyin Wāng Zhōng , W.-G. Wang Chung ; born 1745 ; died 1794 ) was a Chinese scholar of the Qing Dynasty .

life and work

Wang was from Jiangdu ( Yangzhou , Jiangsu ). His family was poor, his father died when he was seven years old. In his youth he worked in a bookstore, which gave him the opportunity to read widely and to compensate for the lack of an official education. When studying the classical scriptures, he emphasized the practical value and did not limit his studies to Hanxue ( 漢學  /  汉学 , Hànxué , Han-hsüeh ) and Songxue ( 宋 學  /  宋 学 , Sòngxué , Sung-hsüeh ), but took up from all schools what he thought was right. He particularly valued Master Mo (Mo Di) and Master Xun (Xunzi), claiming that the former was helpful to those in need, while the latter did a lot for the development and transmission of the Six Classics . His most important work is his prose collection Shuxue sein .

For the Da Dai liji大 戴 礼记 ( Record of the Rites in the Editorial Office of the Elder Dai ) of Dai De戴德, he wrote his correction of the errors in it, the Da Dai liji zhengwu大 戴 礼记 正 误 ( Huang Qing jingjie ). The Hanyu da zidian bibliography names Wang Zhong's own works or editions: Rongfu xiansheng yishi容 甫 先生 遗 诗 ( Sibu congkan ), Shuxue述 学 ( Sibu congkan ), Jingyizhi xin ji经 义 知 新 记 ( Yihai zhuchen艺 海 珠尘) and Jiuxue xuyi旧 学 蓄 疑 ( Muxixuan congshu木犀 轩 丛书).

He has been characterized as "the most arrogant scholar of his time".

Wang Zhong was friends with the scholar Wang Niansun (1744-1832).

References and footnotes

  1. Article: "Wang Zhong", in: Han-Ying Zhongguo zhexue cidian. Kaifeng 2002, p. 389
  2. HYDZD -Bibliographie: Nos 2407-2010.
  3. Weijing Lu, Uxorilocal Marriage among Qing Literati , Late Imperial China , Vol. 19, no. 2 (December 1998), pp. 64-110 ("the most arrogant scholar of his age")
