Wartau trade

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As Wartau trade one is Kollaturstreit in the municipality Wartau in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen called from the years 1694/95.

After the 2nd Land Peace of 1531, Wartau remains the only municipality in the Bailiwick of Sargans. The reason for the so-called Wartau trade was the conversion of a family man in Wartau to the Catholic religion, through which the number of Catholic housefathers rose to four. In 1694 this prompted the Catholic bailiff Reding von Schwyz to demand that Catholic worship be permitted in the Reformed Church of Gretschins , which led to a serious dispute between the Protestant towns of Zurich and Glarus on the one hand and the Catholic towns on the other.

The Evangelical Reformed rectory of St. Martin's Church in Gretschins was provided at that difficult time by the Glarus clergyman Hans Rudolf Tschudi .

In this tense situation, during a witches' court in Uznach in August 1695, a cloud of dust released by a flock of sheep was enough to trigger fear of an attack from Zurich. A comparison, conveyed by the uninvolved places and the French ambassador at the Diet in Baden from August 29 to September 24, 1695, prevented a military conflict. The draft of the settlement is edited in the legal sources of the Sarganserland.


  • Sibylle Malamud and Pascale Sutter: The legal sources of the Sarganserland , In: Collection of Swiss legal sources (= XIV. Department: The legal sources of the canton St. Gallen, third part: The landscapes and rural towns. Volume 2). Schwabe Verlag AG, Basel 2013, ISBN 978-3-7965-2915-3 , No. 274 ( [2] ).

Individual evidence

  1. Vögelin, Johann Conrad. History of the Swiss Confederation, Volume 3, 3rd edition Zurich 1857, p. 30 f.
  2. Jakob Kuratli : History of the Church of Wartau-Gretschins (Werdenberger books series; Vol. 5). BDV, Buchs SG 1984, ISBN 3-905222-10-8 (reprint of the 1950 edition), pp. 152-270.
  3. SSRQ SG III / 2, No. 274 [1] .