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WatchMojo logo
YouTube channel ( pop culture , infotainment )
language multilingual
founding 01/25/2007
channels (main channel)
WatchMojo Español
WatchMojo Français
WatchMojo Germany
WatchMojo Brasil
Subscribers over 20,000,000 (main channel)
Calls over 11,500,000,000 (main channel)
Videos over 16,200 (main channel) is a 2005 founded Canadian web video - company with headquarters in Montreal , which is known for top ten videos (mostly about pop culture topics). With over 11 billion views and 19 million subscribers, WatchMojo is one of the largest YouTube channels in the world.


Among other things, it produces top ten ranking videos that are published daily . These are usually underlaid with film scenes or scenes from other media. Before first place, a few entries that did not make it into the top ten are shown. Further contents are e.g. B. Interviews, records and summaries. Over five videos are uploaded each day. The offer largely relates to the YouTube channel, the website and social networks such as Facebook or Twitter . Topics include anime , cars , education , comedy , parenting , movies , health and fitness , lifestyle , fashion , music , politics , travel , technology , video games , space , and business . The MsMojo channel was founded for a female target group . There are also channels for other languages ​​in which the videos were translated.

Overview of the channels:

channel language Subscribers Calls Videos English Over 20,444,000 About 11,113,777,000 Over 15,000
MsMojo English Over 2,468,000 About 656,512,000 About 1790
WatchMojo Français French Over 1,647,000 About 461,674,000 About 1100
WatchMojo Español Spanish Over 5,865,000 About 833,497,000 Over 1000
WatchMojo Germany German Over 228,000 About 46,040,000 About 390
WatchMojo Brasil Portuguese Over 130,000 Over 7,547,000 Over 63
WatchMojo Türkiye Turkish Over 221,000 Over 38,070,000 About 243
WatchMojoPL Polish Over 51,000 Over 610,000 Over 40
WatchMojoNL Dutch Over 13,000 Over 170,000 Over 15

history was founded in June 2005 by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Raphael Daigneault and Christine Voulieris. The website was founded on June 14, 2005, the YouTube channel on January 25, 2007. WatchMojo is an independent channel and is not part of a multi-channel network . One million subscribers were reached for the first time on October 30, 2013, 6 million in December 2014 and 10 million on December 4, 2015.

Channels in other languages ​​followed. The French channel was founded on April 23, 2009, the Spanish channel on February 22, 2012 and the Turkish channel on December 15, 2015. The Portuguese, Dutch and German channels followed on October 21, 2015 and the Polish channel was founded on October 22, 2015.

In order to better address and reach female viewers, MsMojo was founded on November 19, 2015 for a female target group.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. WatchMojo at Socialblade. In: Retrieved December 25, 2016 .
  2. Overview of the contents. In: Retrieved December 25, 2016 .
  3. Channel information from WatchMojo
  4. channel information from MsMojo
  5. Channel information from WatchMojo Français
  6. Channel information from WatchMojo Español
  7. channel information from WatchMojo Germany
  8. Channel information from WatchMojoPT
  9. channel information from WatchMojoTR
  10. channel information from WatchMojoPL
  11. channel information from WatchMojoNL
  12. channel information from
  13. Natalie Jarvey: The company's YouTube channel has 6 million subscribers. In: December 9, 2014, accessed December 25, 2016 .
  14. 10 million subscribers! - This is WatchMojo ... By The Numbers. In: (YouTube channel). December 4, 2015, accessed December 25, 2016 .