Heinrich Josef Leuthold

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Heinrich Josef Leuthold

Heinrich Josef Leuthold (born September 18, 1910 in Stans ; † October 15, 2001 there ) was a Swiss composer and conductor .


Heinrich Josef Leuthold was born on September 18, 1910, the fourth of ten children of Franz and Marie Leuthold-Imbach. As a scion of a music- loving family, he grew up in the Melachere in Stans. Heinrich Josef Leuthold attended primary and secondary school in Stans from 1918 to 1926. In 1924, as a fourteen-year-old secondary school student , he was instructed by his teacher at the time to put together a student yodelling club for the upcoming Älplerchilbi . The result was a first collection of natural yodel from the Nidwald region ; This laid the foundation for his later intensive research in the field of natural yodel. 1926–1927 he spent his French year. He then trained as a primary school teacher from 1927 to 1931 at the St. Michael teacher training college in Zug and in 1931 spent the summer semester at the University of Freiburg i. Üe.

1931–1942 he worked as a teacher and organist in Stansstad . From 1942 to 1965 he was a teacher in Stans and was the first principal of the Stans elementary school until his retirement in 1975.

Heinrich Josef Leuthold married Josy von Matt from Stans in 1943. They had four children together. He lived in Stans until his death in 2001.

Musical activity

  • 1931 to 1942: organist in Stansstad
  • 1932 to 1985: Conductor of the Stans yodelling group
  • 1939 to 1986: Conductor of the Stans traditional choir
  • 1958 to 1988: organist and director of the Obbürgen church choir
  • Head of the Requiem Choir in Stans


Compositions (selection)

Heinrich Josef Leuthold composed over 150 folk songs, cantatas , yodels, instrumental works and masses . Here is a selection of the most important compositions:

  • Nidwalden Hymne (mixed choir)
  • Nidwaldner Tanzliedli (mixed choir with clarinet and trumpet; 1943)
  • Yodelling Mass (mixed choir)
  • Stanser Vesper (mixed choir, solos, orchestra and organ; 1981)
  • Cantata Freid (choir, solos, harmony music and alphorn)
  • Dr Tirlidokter (children's choir)

Book publications


  • Order " Bene Merenti " (1979)
  • Melchior Wyrsch Prize from the Schindler Cultural Foundation (1984)
  • Recognition award from the Central Switzerland Radio and Television Society (1989)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.melachere.ch
  2. https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/zentralschweiz/dr-tirlidokter-ein-stueck-nidwaldner-geschichte
  3. http://permalink.snl.ch/bib/sz001905900 Dr Tirlidokter: äs Stuck Nidwaldner Gschicht
  4. a b c Leuthold, Heinrich. In: Schweizer Lexikon 91 in six volumes. Volume 4: Kla - Obr. Verlag Schweizer Lexikon, Horw / Luzern, ISBN 3-952014-4 , p. 272.
  5. ^ Winner of the Schindler Cultural Foundation. Retrieved September 11, 2019 .