Web gallery

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A web gallery is the general term used to describe a presentation of images on the web that is implemented using software specially designed for this purpose .

For this purpose, a related collection of scripts is usually used, which is used to manage the images as well as their preparation and appealing presentation on websites . The use of such software usually requires little or no knowledge of scripting or markup languages such as PHP or HTML .

Gallery scripts

Gallery scripts are very simple web galleries that only automatically display the image files from a certain directory on a website. To add more images, it is usually only necessary to store more images in the appropriate directory so that they can be added to the collection and displayed. This type of web gallery is limited in its functionality to what is absolutely necessary. The advantage lies in the lower consumption of resources and, above all, in the fact that usually no database is required.

Complete systems

Complete systems contain a number of coordinated scripts that go beyond the pure display of images. As a rule, this includes the automated creation of preview images (often called thumbnails ), various options for classifying images in categories, subcategories, public or private albums and user management .

In addition, complete solutions usually offer extensive administration options and can be expanded with modules and add-ons . The visual design of most of the larger web galleries is very easy to adapt to your own needs by choosing from the available templates. Integration into existing websites is also usually possible.

The advantages of such a system are its functionality and ease of use . In order to use such systems, you normally do not need any programming knowledge. The disadvantages are the higher consumption of resources. Most web galleries of this type also require a connection to a database.

Often used complete systems are available in different languages. There are different licensing models for such web galleries, both proprietary , commercial and free software .

Web gallery software (selection)