Webster Bluff

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Webster Bluff
location Marie Byrd Land , West Antarctica
part of Phillips Mountains in the Flood Range
Webster Bluff (Antarctica)
Webster Bluff
Coordinates 76 ° 6 ′  S , 145 ° 3 ′  W Coordinates: 76 ° 6 ′  S , 145 ° 3 ′  W
Topographic map with Webster Bluff (top right)

Topographic map with Webster Bluff (top right)


The Webster Bluff is 15 km long and icy rock cliff with a steep north wall in the West Antarctic Marie Byrd Land . In the Ford Ranges , it forms the northern extension of the Phillips Mountains .

The United States Geological Survey mapped it using the United States Navy's own surveys and aerial photographs from 1959 to 1965. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1966 after David O. Webster, an ionospheric physicist at Byrd Station in 1964 .

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