White mailbox

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White mailbox in Takaoka's Fukuoka train station
White mailbox in Inawashiro

A white mailbox ( Japanese 白 ポ ス ト Shiro posuto ) is a waste bin for the child-safe collection of pornographic material. The name comes from the fact that these containers are usually painted white.


White mailboxes have been in use in Amagasaki , Hyogo Prefecture since at least 1963 or 1964 . Later, the setting up of white mailboxes as a measure of the protection of minors caught on nationwide.


White mailboxes are used to dispose of pornographic magazines and DVDs , as well as other material harmful to minors, in a child-safe manner. They are often operated by the local authorities and emptied regularly. Collected books are typically burned. Particularly considerate people carefully pack the material to be disposed of in paper so that no one is bothered by the sight of pornography while it is thrown in the white mailbox.


In the Nagasaki Prefecture , there are 84 white boxes, in the Fukuoka prefecture , there are 48 and in the Prefecture Kumamoto least 12 such containers; in Miyazaki Prefecture and the Kagoshima Prefecture 5 white boxes are respectively occupied. Even in the age of Internet pornography, there is still a need to dispose of pornographic print products and DVDs in white mailboxes.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d 「白 ポ ス ト」 王国 、 長崎 の 特殊 事情 「有害 図 書」 回収 に 同行 し て み た , withnews, February 6, 2017
  2. a b c ポ ル ノ 雑 誌 ・ AV 呑 み 込 む 「白 ポ ス ト」 尼 崎 発 祥 の 有害 図 書 投函 投函 ス ス テ ム 、 今 な お 現役 , Sankei, December 4th, 2015
  3. 白 ポ ス ト に よ る 悪 書 等 の 回収 , Marugame City Council
  4. 白 ポ ス ト に よ る 有害 図 書 ・ DVD 等 の 回収 , Mito City Council , November 25, 2014
  5. 白 ポ ス ト (有害 図 書 類 等 回収) に つ い て , Himeji City Council