White egg

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White groschen, Wenceslaus IV. 1383/84
White groschen, of the Teschen Duke Wenceslaus III. , 1560

White Dimes is the name of from the beginning of the 16th century, first in Silesia , in the 16th and 17th centuries also by the Roman German Emperors in their capacity as King of Bohemia embossed silver coin .

In Lower Silesia, white groschen were first minted as a result of the treaty of 1505 by the cities of Wroclaw and Schweidnitz , the Wroclaw Bishop Johannes V. Thurzo , and the dukes of Liegnitz , Münsterberg and Oels . At the same time also from the later Polish King Sigismund I , to whom the Duchy of Glogau was pledged from 1499 to 1506 , and from the Brandenburg Elector Joachim I. Between 1541 and 1564, the Liegnitz Duke Friedrich II , and between 1544 and 1546, Margrave Johann von Küstrin in Cross and between 1559 and 1570 in the Upper Silesian Duchy of Teschen, Duke Wenzel III. White egg. In 1584 half white groschen with the inscription "DIMIDII GROSSI ALBI" were struck in Breslau . These were minted in Opole and Teschen in the 17th century . White groschen coins from the kings of Bohemia are known from the 16th and 17th centuries.

The coins had a rough weight of 2.078 grams and a fine weight of 0.78 grams. The value relations applied

As bill coin corresponding to a white-dime 12 Hellern or 6 pennies . In 1556, by order of the estates, he was equated with 2 cruisers .

The pieces minted in Wroclaw were called "whey thieves" because of their glossy white color, which was achieved through a pickling process, the so-called white brew .


  • Weißgroschen , in: Friedrich von Schrötter: Dictionary der Münzkunde , Berlin [u. a.] 1930, p. 737 digitized .
  • Coins and medals tell of Silesia . In: Das Fenster , Cologne 1980 digitized version (PDF; 7.6 MB)