Wine pigeon

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Wine pigeon
Wine pigeon

Wine pigeon

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : American pigeons ( Patagioenas )
Type : Wine pigeon
Scientific name
Patagioenas plumbea
( Vieillot , 1818)

The wine pigeon ( Patagioenas plumbea ) is a species within the genus of American field pigeons . It is a large, long-tailed and secretly living pigeon with wine-red plumage that is found in forests in the northern half of South America. There are five subspecies.

The stock situation of the wine pigeon was classified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016 as “ Least Concern (LC) ” = “not endangered”.


Wine pigeons reach a body length of 34 centimeters and are thus slightly larger than a laughing pigeon . The gender dimorphism is not very pronounced.

The males have a gray-pink head. The front neck and the chest up to the under tail coverts are the same shade. The throat is slightly lightened. The mantle, the wing covers and the arm wings are dark brown. The back, the rump and the upper tail-coverts are strong dark brown. The tail, which is long in relation to body size, has the same coloration as the wing-coverts.

The color of the iris varies from person to person and ranges from whitish to orange. The orbital ring is red-purple. The strong beak is black, the feet are red.

Females are colored similarly to the males, but a little more dull overall. Young birds are similar to females, but have reddish-brown tones on the breast and on the wing covers.

The calls of the wine pigeon differ according to the distribution area and probably also according to the subspecies.

Possible confusion

Red-backed pigeon can only be distinguished from the wine
pigeon by a few features

There is a possibility of confusion with a number of pigeon species, the range of which overlaps that of the wine pigeon. There are similarities with the purple , Goodson and red-backed pigeons , all of which belong to the same genus.

The purple pigeon can hardly be distinguished from the wine pigeon when observing the field. However, the calls of the two species differ noticeably. The Goodson pigeon also has a species-specific reputation that differs significantly from that of the wine pigeon. It is also significantly smaller, has a noticeably shorter tail and a more compact build. The red-backed pigeon has more reddish plumage. The chest plumage of the red-backed pigeon is also wine-red and contrasts strikingly with the lighter belly.

Distribution area

The distribution area of ​​the wine pigeon is disjoint. The foothills of the Pacific mountain ranges from Colombia to the northwest of Ecuador are part of the range. Another area of ​​distribution is in the Departamento del Chocó , Colombia. A large contiguous distribution area extends from the east of the Andes of Venezuela to the north of Paraguay and the south-east of Brazil.

Way of life

The wine pigeon is a shy, secretly living forest pigeon that stays in pairs or in small flocks in the top region of trees. Their diet consists of a wide range of fruits. It also eats mistletoe berries in Brazil.

Wine pigeons probably breed all year round, as there are observations of nest-building or breeding birds from every month. In Peru, wine pigeons are observed in larger flocks from July to November, but the males also let their calls be heard during this time and breeding birds have also been observed during this period. Courting males soar up steeply from a preferred raised hide and return to this raised hide in a flatter, semicircular gliding flight to this raised hide.

The nest is a loose platform that is usually built five to 30 meters above the ground in the tops of trees that are covered with creepers. The clutch will almost certainly consist of just one egg.


  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes and John Cox: Pigeons and Doves - A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World . Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3 .
  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free living, keeping and breeding . M. & H. Schaper Verlag, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0 .

Web links

Commons : Wine Pigeon  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Single receipts

  1. a b c Gibbs, Barnes and Cox: Pigeons and Doves , p. 230.
  2. Patagioenas plumbea in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2016 Posted by: BirdLife International, 2016. Retrieved on 3 October 2017th
  3. a b c Gibbs, Barnes and Cox: Pigeons and Doves , p. 229.
  4. ^ Voice of the wine dove on Xeno Canto , accessed September 24, 2016