Wavy stem weevil

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Wavy stem weevil

Wavy stem weevil ( Lixus pulverulentus )

Family : Weevil (Curculionidae)
Subfamily : Lixinae
Tribe : Lixini
Genre : Lixus
Subgenus : Dilixellus
Type : Wavy stem weevil
Scientific name
Lixus pulverulentus
( Scopoli , 1763)
Dorsal view
Ventral view

The Wave Stängelrüssler ( Lixus pulverulentus ) is a beetle from the family of weevils (Curculionidae).


The beetles are 10.5 to 17.5 millimeters long and have a narrow, elongated body. This is yellowish to brownish dust. The conically shaped pronotum is barely grained. The antennae whip is much thinner than the antennae.


The species is widespread in Europe. In the north the occurrence extends to southern Sweden, in the south the distribution area extends over the Mediterranean area including North Africa, Asia Minor and the Middle East . The species is also represented on Madeira and the Canary Islands . In the east, the occurrence extends to the Middle East (Iran). In southern and central Europe, the beetle species is widespread, but quite rare. For example, it is largely absent in the North German Plain .

Way of life

The beetles appear in April. They are mainly seen in May and June. The larvae develop in the stems of their host plants. These include, in particular, thistle ( Cirsium ) and the wild mallow ( Malva sylvestris ). Pupation also takes place in the stems . The beetles feed on polyphagous a . a. from the black knapweed ( Centaurea nigra ), the common hollyhock ( Alcea rosea ), the way thistle ( Carduus acanthoides ), thistle and milk thistle ( Silybum marianum ).


The species was scientifically described in 1763 by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli as Curculio pulverulentus Scopoli , 1763. In addition to this designation, the following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Curculio angustatus Fabricius , 1775
  • Lixus angustatus ( Fabricius , 1775)
  • Lixus hungarus Petri , 1905
  • Lixus kolenati Hochhuth , 1847
  • Lixus lefebvrei Boheman , 1835
  • Curculio pulvereus Olivier , 1790
  • Lixus subangustatus Motschulsky , 1849
  • Lixus algirus ( Linnaeus )

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Arved Lompe: Beetle of Europe - Dilixellus . coleonet.de. Retrieved January 9, 2020.
  2. a b c Lixus (Dilixellus) pulverulentus in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved January 9, 2020
  3. a b Lixus pulverulentus (Scopoli, 1763) - elongated bean weevil . bladmineerders.nl. Retrieved January 9, 2020.
  4. ^ Lixus pulverulentus . www.biolib.cz. Retrieved January 9, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Wavy stem weevil ( Lixus pulverulentus )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files