Wendie Jo Sperber

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Wendie Jo Sperber (born September 15, 1958 in Hollywood , Los Angeles , California - † November 29, 2005 in Los Angeles, California) was an American actress .


Wendie Jo Sperber worked in many television series and movies in the 1980s and 1990s, albeit mostly in supporting roles. Her biggest success was the role of sister of Marty McFly ( Michael J. Fox ) in the film Back to the Future from 1985. Other well-known films in which she participated were: 1941 Where Please Go To Hollywood (1979) and Two Hot Guys on the Highway (1978). You could see Wendie Jo Sperber on television in series such as Wer ist der Boss? , A terribly nice family or JAG - See on behalf of the honor .

In 1997, the actress fell ill with breast cancer . She founded the organization weSPARK , which has set itself the task of supporting other people with cancer. Wendie Jo Sperber herself lost the battle against her illness and died on November 29, 2005 at the age of 47.

She was divorced and had two children.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Wendie Jo Sperber  - Collection of images