Wenzel Brand

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Wenzel Brand (born September 13, 1863 in Radaun , Melnik district in Bohemia, † November 25, 1923 in Steyr ) was a priest and politician.


After his ordination, Brand worked as a cooperator and provisional in the Upper Austrian towns of Garsten, Neustift, Großraming, Maria Brunnenthal near Schärding and Sierning, and in 1897 he became a civic school catechist in Linz. For two years he worked as an editor of the "Katholische Arbeiterzeitung", in 1905 he became a professor at the Staatsoberrealschule in Steyr and later a religious inspector, but had been on leave since 1919.

In Steyr, Brand devoted himself to politics, was chairman of the Christian Social Party , since 1918 in the municipal council and club chairman of the electoral association of Christian Socials and Greater Germans. He was also at the head of the American children's aid organization in Steyr.

From 1919 until his death he also worked as a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament and was, among other things, chairman of the school committee. Even if he did not speak too often, he was undoubtedly one of the most important MPs of his time.

In 1911 he became a clergyman and in 1921 a consistorial councilor .


  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership. 1918 to 1938 (= contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria. 3). Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1976, ISBN 3-85214-163-X , p. 53 f.

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