Wenzel Weigel

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Wenzel Weigel (born November 6, 1888 in Tschentschitz near Podersam , † April 2, 1979 in Regensburg ) was a German professor of philosophy and a member of the Bavarian state parliament .


Weigel was born in 1888 as the son of the farmer Heinrich Weigel and his wife Theresia. After graduating from the humanistic grammar school in Prague-Smíchow, he studied from 1911 at the Charles University in Prague. Albert Einstein was one of his professors . On July 10, 1920 he received his doctorate from Hirsch. phil. In 1922 he moved to the Psychological Institute of the New University of Hamburg. There he was a lecturer in psychology and education. In 1927 he returned to the University of Prague as a teacher. In 1933 he was co-founder and deputy scientific director of the German University of Education in Prague. In 1938 he received the professorship. After the expulsion in 1945 he settled in Viehhausen and joined the CSU . Weigel became a member of the Bavarian state parliament in the second electoral term.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Register of Charles University in Prague
  2. Biography of Dr. Wenzel Weigel