Werner Brekewoldt

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Werner Brekewoldt (* around 1400 in Lübeck ; † between 1432 and 1440 there) was canon lawyer and second rector of the University of Rostock .


Brekewoldt came from a patrician family in Lübeck and was the son of the dressmaker and Lübeck mayor Konrad Brekewoldt . He studied canon law from 1415 to 1418 at the University of Paris , where he graduated with a licentiate. In the winter semester 1419/1420 he matriculated as Dominus ("Dns.") And graduate ("lic. In decretis") at the law faculty at the University of Rostock . In 1420 he became the second rector of the university, succeeding the founding rector Petrus Stenbeke . In 1424 he traveled to Italy to do his doctorate in Rome and his canonicals at Lübeck Cathedral and in Bützowto submit to the Curia. Before 1428 he retired to his hometown Lübeck, where he died between 1432 and 1440 and was buried in Lübeck Cathedral. His tomb is neither preserved nor documented.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal .
  2. ^ Entry on Werner Brekewoldt in the Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium
predecessor Office successor
Petrus Stenbeke Rector of the University of Rostock
SS 1420
Dietrich Zukow