Werner Huno

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Werner Huno († 1291 in Lübeck ) was a German merchant and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Nothing is known about Werner Huno's origins. As head of the Holy Spirit Hospital in Lübeck, he signed contracts with the Lüneburg saltworks in 1289/1290 . From 1289 he was councilor of the city of Lübeck. For capital investment purposes he acquired half of the village of Wulfsdorf , half of the village of Beidendorf and half of the village of Albsfelde . Werner Huno lived in the Koberg 5 house in Lübeck . After his death, his widow sold the halves to Wulfsdorf and Beidendorf to the Lübeck councilor Gottfried von Cremon .

While Emil Ferdinand Fehling saw the Lübeck council secretary and chronicler Alexander Huno as his son, Friedrich Bruns later turned against this ascription.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Bruns: The Lübeck syndicists and council secretaries up to the constitutional amendment of 1851. In: Journal of the Association for Lübeck History and Antiquity . Volume 29, 1938, p. 120