Barrows heather on the meadow ground

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Barrows heather on the meadow ground

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Burial mound heather on the meadow with and without sheep grazing

Burial mound heather on the meadow with and without sheep grazing

location South of Sögel , Emsland District , Lower Saxony
surface 3 ha
Identifier NSG WE 281
WDPA ID 555560683
Geographical location 52 ° 48 '  N , 7 ° 30'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 47 '31 "  N , 7 ° 29' 58"  E
Hill grave heather am Wiesengrund (Lower Saxony)
Barrows heather on the meadow ground
Sea level from 28 m to 33 m
Setup date December 21, 2013
administration NLWKN

The heather mound on Wiesengrund is a nature reserve in the Lower Saxon municipality of Groß Berßen in the Sögel municipality in the Emsland district .

The nature reserve with the sign NSG WE 281 is 3.12  hectares in size. It has been under nature protection since December 21, 2013. In the nature reserve, the natural monument "Heath area with stone grave and barrows (breeding stones)" has risen. The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the district of Emsland.

The nature reserve is located north of Groß Berßen in the south of the Hümmling and protects a sand heath landscape on a burial mound. The area is surrounded by a hedge and borders almost entirely on agricultural land . In the north, the nature reserve borders on a paved dirt road .

The northern, around 2 hectare area of ​​the nature reserve is characterized by a heather area with interspersed trees and bushes. There are several prehistoric graves here, some of which can be recognized as clear elevations in the landscape. This area is managed by the “Land Unter” association, which u. a. is dedicated to nature and species protection and the preservation of the Bentheimer Landschaf as an old domestic sheep breed. The southern area of ​​the nature reserve is more wooded. Here are the remains of the large stone grave " Brutsteene " (Sprockhoff- # 855), an approximately 30 meters long and 6 meters wide barren bed .

Web links

Commons : Hügelgräberheide am Wiesengrund  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NSG "Am Wiesengrund" , Land Unter e. V. Accessed March 16, 2016.
  2. Großsteingrab Brutsteene, Groß-Berßen IX , Großsteingrab im Emsland - Groß-Berßen, Seinzeugen. Retrieved April 18, 2018.