Versener Heidesee

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Versener Heidesee
Geographical location District of Emsland , Lower Saxony , Germany
Location close to the shore Meppen
Coordinates 52 ° 43 '32 "  N , 7 ° 10' 3"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 43 '32 "  N , 7 ° 10' 3"  E
Versener Heidesee (Lower Saxony)
Versener Heidesee
surface 16 hadep1


Nature reserve

Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The Versener Heidesee is a lake and a nature reserve in the Lower Saxony town of Meppen in the Emsland district .

Nature reserve

The nature reserve with the registration number NSG WE 266 is 40  hectares in size. To the west of the nature reserve is the nature reserve " Wesuweer Moor ", to the south-west is the nature reserve " Südliches Versener Moor ". The nature reserve has been under nature protection since June 14, 2008. The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the district of Emsland.

The nature reserve is located northwest of Meppen in the Bourtanger Moor-Bargerveen International Nature Park . In the west it borders directly on the A 31 , which separates it from the "Wesuweer Moor" nature reserve, and in the south on the B 402 . In the east, the nature reserve is bounded by the Wesuwer Schloot.

The nature reserve consists of a 16-hectare lake, which was created in the 1990s as part of the construction of the motorway, and the areas surrounding it. These are predominantly characterized by heather . The heather - in addition to sand heather, there are also moist heather areas - is grazed with Bentheim sheep for maintenance . A protective fence was erected in the summer of 2017 to protect the grazing animals from the wolf.

Numerous rare plants and animals live in the area, including lapwing , stonechat and tufted duck . Also Sandpiper , Jack Snipe and snipe are found in the nature reserve. The Heidesee is home to strandling , common hedgehog, pill fern and various candelabrum algae , including fine candelabrum algae , shimmering luster algae and flexible luster algae. A special feature is the occurrence of the many-branched luster algae , of which only three are known to occur in Germany. The thread gentian also occurs in the area of ​​the lake.

The area is also important for migrating waterbirds and waders . So northern geese, swans and ducks, among them during migration Bless- , seeds and gray goose , whooper swan , Krick- , heron, whistling , Tableware , Pintail and Shoveler and curlew , snipe and woodcock found.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fence to protect sheep on the Versener Heidesee from wolves , Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung , 23 August 2017. Retrieved on 27 August 2017.
  2. Ralf Becker, Tobias Böckermann: New discovery of Nitella hyalina (DC.) Agardh (multi-branched glossy algae) in Germany. In: Rostock Marine Biological Contributions , University of Rostock, Institute for Biosciences, Issue 27, Rostock 2017, pp. 19–26 (PDF, 236 kB). Retrieved June 18, 2018.
  3. The Versener Heidesee , land under e. V. Accessed March 16, 2016.