Werner Krause (resistance fighter)

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Werner Krause (born May 11, 1907 in Stettin ; † February 9, 1945 there ) was a German resistance fighter at the time of National Socialism and one of the organizers of the anti-fascist resistance in Pomerania .


Krause was the son of a shoemaker. From 1926 he was a functionary of the KJVD and the KPD .

From 1937 he organized, together with his school friend Walter Empacher , one of the largest illegal resistance groups in Stettin, which at times consisted of up to 300 people, including communists and social democrats as well as non-party members. During the Second World War, they also had contacts with church-Catholic and foreign resistance groups with whom they worked closely. Herta Geffke also belonged to the resistance organization around Werner Krause and Walter Empacher in 1943/44 .

Krause wrote a number of "illegally" published papers, including a leaflet aimed at the medical profession and propagating the goals of the NKFD . In order to prepare for armed conflicts and active participation in the liberation of Pomerania from National Socialism , the group around Krause set up an arms store.

In December 1944 Werner Krause was arrested by the Gestapo . On February 9, 1945, he was sentenced by a special court together with Walter Empacher, Walter Miermeister , Heinz Peters , Rudolf Weller and Eugen Wilhelm and hanged on the same day for fear of the approaching Red Army .


  • In Eberswalde - Finow there is a memorial for Werner Krause and the anti-fascist resistance in Pomerania


  • Luise Kraushaar et al .: German resistance fighters 1933–1945. Biographies and letters . Dietz-Verlag: Berlin 1970, Volume 2, p. 509 & Volume 1, p. 226, 228

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